"The Nation's Largest Source of Recruitment for the Travel Industry"





To be used by Non-Management candidates with less than 10 years travel experience.

Please Remember to fill in all information. All information is required and must be
completed for us to process your application. Thank You!

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(Click Here)


Note: If your computer is old or you do not have a lot of memory, you may have some problems posting your resume with us. We suggest you close all files and applications on your desktop, with the exception of the word document of your resume. This may help you. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

* Indicates Required Field

Section 1



Resume Code # (Leave Blank)

* Home Email Address:

Skype Address:

* Residence (City, State, Country)

* Relocation (Yes/No/Possible)

* Virtual Office (Yes/No)

* Current/Last Position/Title

* Additional Job Functions (max 5 words)

* Years in Travel Business

* Current/Last Base Salary (No Perks Plz)

Education (Degree Only)

CONTACT: (Leave Blank)

Resume Code # (Leave Blank)

Objective/Overview/Summary (remove bullets or symbols - do not use tabs)

Companies with Description
As they appear on your Resume, please list the companies you have worked for by Name and provide us with the type of business they are engaged in. Start with most recent or current company.
For Example -
Company: " XYZ Company "
Company Description: Caribbean Tour Operator

 * Company

Company Description


(Description may not exceed 5 words)


Company Description


(Description may not exceed 5 words)


Company Description


(Description may not exceed 5 words)


Company Description


(Description may not exceed 5 words)


Company Description

(Description may not exceed 5 words)

All Work Experience (remove bullets or symbols - do not use tabs)
IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY: PASTE THE ENTIRE "BODY" of Your Resume Here, excluding "Summary", "Overview", "Objective", "Education", "Languages", etc. those other parts or sections of your Resume should be Pasted or Typed in appropriate areas. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR APPLICATION WITHOUT YOUR RESUME PASTED OR TYPED HERE.

Education (remove bullets or symbols - do not use tabs)

Additional Skills (Computers,CRS's, etc.) (remove bullets or symbols - do not use tabs)

Fluent Languages (if applicable)

Section 2



 * Indicates Required Field

1. * How did you learn of our services? (Please try to be Specific. If a friend recommended you please enter their name.)

Referral's Name:

2.* A. Actual number of years/months in the Travel Industry?



2.B. If you have not worked in the last 6 months or longer, please explain:

3. If unemployed in Travel Industry Now, Month & Year of Last Travel Industry Position?

4. * Your Name:

Middle Initial

5. Your Social Security #:

6. * Your Address: (PO Box Not Acceptable)

7. * City:

8. * State:

9. * Zip Code:

10. * Country:

11. * Last or Present Position Dates:

From (MM/YY):

To (MM/YY):

if you are presently employed type the word "present" in this field.

12. * Reason for leaving or reason you wish to leave:

13. * Company Name:

Note: All candidates' present employment is held in strict confidence.
We will never contact your current employer for references or verification of any kind.


14. * City/State of present or last position:

15. * Your Title:

   If you work in a travel agency, what's your business mix?







16. * Current or Last Base Annual Salary (please do not include any benefits, incentives, bonuses, or perks).


List very specifically your Company Benefits (Need to included items such as Medical and if it is company paid or there is a co-pay, Company Car or expenses, all Benefits that you have had in the specific position. Please list all of them:
16a. Benefits
16b. Commissions $
Explanation of % or how arrived
16c.Incentives $
Explanation of % or how arrived
16d.Bonus (End of Year) $
Explanation of % or how arrived

17. * Minimum acceptable annual base salary? ("Negotiable" is NOT Acceptable)



Relocation Preferences 

I do not wish to relocate (skip to line 21)

18. 1st Choice

19. 2nd Choice

20. 3rd Choice

21. * Home Phone ie.

22.* Best Time to Reach:

23.* Time Zone:

24. * Home E-Mail Address:

24b. OPTIONAL: Work E-Mail Address: (with your permission)

24c. In order for us to send you an email at work you must type your name here. Your Name Typed here provides your Approval for being contacted by Business e-mail.

25. Work Phone:

26. Best Time to Reach:

27. Time Zone:

28. Are your business phones monitored?

29. Do you have a Pager/Beeper? 

If Yes to # 29, please provide #:

30. Do you have a Cell Phone?

If Yes to #30, please provide #:

  Second Position:

31. Last Position Dates:

From (MM/YY):

To (MM/YY):

32. Company Name:

33. City/State of this position:

34. Title:

   If you work in a travel agency, what's your business mix?







35. * Last Base Annual Salary (please do not include any benefits, incentives, bonuses, or perks).


List very specifically your Company Benefits (Need to included items such as Medical and if it is company paid or there is a co-pay, Company Car or expenses, all Benefits that you have had in the specific position. Please list all of them:

35a. Benefits

35b. Commissions $
Explanation of % or how arrived

35c. Incentives $

Explanation of % or how arrived
35d. Bonus (End of Year) $
Explanation of % or how arrived

35e. Reason for leaving:



36. * Last level completed:

37. School Name:

38. CTC

Travel School Grad

Length Year Graduated

39. Fluent Language(s):


Business References: you must list up to 3 references (person you reported to only)
We will only accept business references of people you reported to - please. (We cannot accept friends, peers, clients, etc.)

40. * Company Name 

41. * Person

42. * Person's Title 

43. * Phone

Above Person's Email Address


44. Company Name 

45. Person

46. Person's Title

47. Phone

Above Person's Email Address


48. Company Name 

49. Person

50. Person's Title 

51. Phone

Above Person's Email Address


52. CRS Expertise:















53. If our company client requests one or more of the following, prior to making You an "Offer of Employment", will you accept. Please check Yes or No in appropriate box. Thank you.

* Credit Check

Yes No

* Criminal Check

Yes No

* Drug Test

Yes No

* Intelligence Test

Yes No

* Integrity Test

Yes No

* Live Video Interview

Yes No

* Type your Real Name

* Type today's date


54. * Personal overview of Travel Industry Background (please limit to approx 25 words). DO NOT abbreviate words, our scanner cannot read those words. You must provide us with an overview.


To eliminate duplication and complication, please list all the companies you've contacted for employment within the last 90 days:


Do you have a Valid Passport?

Yes No

Do you have Alien Status

Yes No

Do you have a Green Card

Yes No

Work Visa

Yes No
Type of Visa

Student Visa

Yes No


Yes No

* What is your Nationality?

* Citizenship

Dual Citizenship


Part 3



I certify that the facts and responses set forth in this application, or otherwise made by me to P. Jason King Associates, Inc. or Yours In Travel Group or a prospective employer, are true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I authorize the investigation by P. Jason King Associates, Inc. or Yours In Travel Group, or prospective employers or their respective agents of all statements contained in this application or otherwise made by me, as may be necessary or desired in arriving at an employment decision. I understand that any false statements made by me in this application, or otherwise, constitute sufficient cause for rejection of this application or, if I am subsequently employed, can be grounds for dismissal. I also understand that nothing in this application for employment creates an offer of employment or contract of employment of any kind or nature. If subsequently employed, my employment will be either on an at-will basis or contract basis, as determined by the employer.

 * Please indicate that you have read and that you agree to these terms:  

Applicant's Authorization: (Place full name using Upper and Lower Characters)
 * Name:       * Today's Date (use dd/mm/yyyy):
In lieu of actual signature, please provide your  * Mother's Maiden Name
to further indicate your agreement to these terms:

We would appreciate your Comments or Suggestions for Skills that should be added.



Yours in Travel Group




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Please contact us with any problems you may have with the application forms. Please describe your problem in as much detail as possible.



© Copyright Yours In Travel 5/97. Updated 4/98. Updated 10/99. Updated 5/00. Updated 1/01. Updated 10/01. Updated 12/02. Updated 03/08. Updated 06/10.

a division of P. Jason King Associates, Inc.