"I'm a Matchmaker."
When I started my business in 1972, things were easy! You received a job order, did a search, and, viola! a placement! Today most of our business is providing our expertise to develop a solution for our clients.
An average initial interview for someone earning $65,000 or more will take 2 to 2-1/2 hours. Additionally, testing may also be applicable.
Almost every day I hear. "You've got it
In truth, I love my job. But it ain't all roses. You need to spend a fortune in developing the proper ads - and we do it nationwide each week. You must have an in-house web master to update your web site regularly. You must read thousands of résumés per week - YES THOUSANDS! You must conduct in-depth interviews. You must check all references. And, you must create a true profile of what your client really wants!
The sad truth is most employers are not really sure what they want or really need! We are not talking about a front line Travel Agent, generally. That's an easy selection (see article "What Labor Shortage?"). Our goal is to provide the right questions so that we can make the right selection.
Employers need to take charge of their recruitment needs and
desires. Our suggestion is you first write a Job Description. Next
you create your "Wish List". Finally, admit to yourself that if most
of your Wish List was achieved what that would be worth to you in
dollars and cents?
If Company Clients could do this effectively, it would ultimately
save them a tremendous amount of time, eliminate many of the problems
which arise from not having the foresight, and even save them
employment agency fees.
Just remember, someone has to do it, either you the Employer or us, the "Matchmakers"!!!