Nov 1998
Letter to the Editor
Re: October 26, 1998 Issue Travel Weekly
Page 10, by Laura Del Rosso
"Officials: Trade must look to high schools to find future"

With all due respect to Ms. Nancy Kahn, for whom I personally have great respect and admiration, and have know for over 20 years, the "Job Market" or "Labor Shortage" is not as bad as certain people are reporting. Every month we receive between 17,000 - 38,000 new candidates, from around the US, as well as other parts of the world, via our web site. What has transpired is that agents are not "just moving" for the sake of it, they are qualifying their options a lot more objectively these days. They are seeking the.. salary and benefits they feel they are worth. just as their counter parts in Travel Management.

While I do strongly believe that we must inform high school and college students that the travel Industry has a lot to offer and is a challenging career, which can also be "fun", it must also offer the stability, salary and benefits of other industries in North America.
This must be a Joint Effort by all of us who consider the future of the Travel Industry part of our responsibility.

P. Jason King
Founder & President
Yours In Travel Personnel
"The Global Leader"

© Copyright Yours In Travel Personnel Agency, Inc. November 1998

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