Every day we hear a horror story or read about it in the "trades" about an employee embezzling monies, stealing tickets, creating some form of "scam" in their Travel Agencies..."It has to STOP", according to Jason King, President of Yours In Travel Personnel headquartered in NYC, with 10 branch offices, located throughout the US.
King said " being the nation's largest source of recruitment for The Travel Industry and being a pro-active in our industry, we have created a "Value Added Program" for our Client Companies throughout the US".
The Program includes offering all clients the availability of providing them with "Credit Checks" and/or a "Criminal Checks" on potential new employees soon to be engaged through Yours In Travel.
King further went on to say "We are proud to be the first personnel agency licensed with an in-house TRW Program". "In order to truly make these "Checks" a value added program, we have decided not to charge our clients for these services".
In addition to Credit & Criminal Checks we have also added I.Q. and Integrity Testing to be available for our Clients potential employees, also at no charge to the client.
Starting in March, we will also be adding Drug Testing availability. While testing does not guarantee that a person won't steal, it surely may assist the employer in making a decision based upon the results of the "Checks" or based upon the potential employee not allowing us to do the test in the first place.
King said " In one way people may think of the "Pandora's Box" syndrome, or "if it ain't broke don't fix it". "That is not the way we think", said King. Our industry must start protecting itself, large corporations have these options available to them, why not give the same opportunity to all Travel Companies.
King said "friends of mine asked the intelligent question aren't you jeopardizing a possible placement" "the answer is Yes, but I would rather jeopardize a few hires instead of possibly having candidates we represent being dishonest or on drugs, etc." said King.
One of our current promotions in celebrating our 25th Anniversary is we are giving away Cash Awards to candidates we have placed who have remained with the same employer for over 10 years. We have actually found 2 employees tied for 1st Place with 25 years each. Most of the programs we offer have been to benefit our company clients, this program called simply "Staying Power" is to thank the employee. At an award ceremony to be held in May 1998, the recipients will receive their Cash Award. King said "we have mailed out announcements to thousands of people, but have only located about 20. I wish we could locate more of this placed candidates, unfortunately many have moved to different locations and we are having trouble in locating them.
King went on to say: In some "beta testing" with our new waivers...Candidates must give their permission for Credit & Criminal Checks. Each State has its own regulations. In our test we found that out of 100 Candidates, 96 would allow a Criminal Check, the same 96 would not allow a Credit Check. People know if they are a Criminal, so they will usually allow that Criminal Check, but they also know that they generally spend more than they make, thus poor credit. King said " this is generally not true". "If you owe a lot of money, but each month pay the minimum on each account, your credit will be considered by credit bureau's "Excellent". "It is only poor rated when you don't pay on time".
King also announced that starting in March we are also launching a new loyalty retention program called PRIORITY +. This program will be offered to only 1 our of 100 clients. The program will provided Credit Dollars for each dollar spent in fees, and will allow our "Priority" Clients to turn in their Credit Dollars in for "Free" placements. Yours In Travel Personnel will also be launching this year Video Interviewing across the US.
© Copyright Yours In Travel Personnel Agency, Inc. 2/98.