October 26, 1998 - Page 47 - Travel Weekly
Outside Agents Pro and Con
With all due respect to Doris and Phil Davidoff, creating a
Network of outside travel consultants sounds like a great idea, but
for most travel agencies...this will not work.
While we are probably more aware than most, that almost every
small agencies is seeking outside sales personnel and wished to
create a network of candidates, this is not the venue to succeed nor
to fight against the "caps and cuts" which have been imposed by the
airlines and some other suppliers. The first step is to recognize
that this is not the same industry you grew up in, it has changed
drastically, and with the advent of the "web" will continue to
change. If you can adapt you will exist and may even prosper.
The fastest way to adapt is to read as much as you can, talk to your friends and associates, network with ASTA, ARTA, etc. and start charging your clients service charges.
While it is true that outside agents if they have a following could be helpful, it should be noted that those agents with a substantial following "don't need you", they can go to any agency and strike a deal.
Mr. & Mrs. Davidoff's notion to engage "anyone who is interested in selling travel" is no way to run your business. In fact it can hurt your business, because these people do not effectively know about our industry, they may make promises You can't deliver, and you will suffer.
Good agents are out there, you may say that today you can't afford
them, but start charging service charges, and you will have the extra
money to source these viable candidates.
P. Jason King
Founder and President
Yours In Travel Personnel
"The Global Leader"
© Copyright Yours In Travel Personnel Agency,
Inc. 10/98