Understanding How We Work:
Once you complete our Application Form and click the SUBMIT Button…a "THANK YOU" page will be displayed
confirming that your file has been electronically sent to our database.
Automatically a folder is created with your name.
Your résumé is then scanned and what we call the stripping process begins. Your Name, Address,
City, State, Zip Code, and Phone Numbers are removed, your employers' names are removed and key
phrases are inserted, such as: Tour Operator; Travel Management Company; Foreign Flag Carrier; etc.
Your résumé is automatically coded numerically. When we send
out a résumé, our process ensures complete Confidentiality since no name or company name appears.
The only name that appears is our recruiter contact information. On occasion you will be sent
an e-mail in reference to your file. Usually the communication is sent because we need additional
information or a clarification. It is very important you respond immediately, so that your file
is totally updated and ready to be submitted to our Company Clients.
Our automation system is a proprietary system;
this simply means it was built expressively for us. When your file is received, your new
"stripped" and "coded" résumé is being built; our system searches your file against our
current retained openings. This occurs 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The searches are
based on special phrases and keywords, years of experience, titles, background, education,
demographics, salary, and much much more.
Candidates are also encouraged to recommend their friends and colleagues.
Many of your additional questions can be answered on our site, or, if you
have a question that has not been covered, visit our CONTACT page for the appropriate e-mail address.
Please remember, we cannot earn our living unless we place
well-experienced candidates. We already have an incentive to place you. Our industry has changed since 9/11,
and many of our client companies are taking longer to decide whom they wish to interview. So, please do not
inundate us with e-mails - it only slows down our process.
If your online application or résumé does not conform to what we
consider our standard requirements, we will notify you. If you do not re-do the application and/or paste
your new résumé as requested, your entire file will be deleted.
We find it strange when candidates say to us "but your form takes
so long" or "I do not want to give you references now" or "I do not have references' phone numbers or e-mail addresses".
We need your assistance in order to send your résumé out. If you are not willing to spend the time required for your
career, how can you expect us to represent you properly?
Coded résumés are not submitted to our Client Companies until we have contacted
you and conducted an in-depth interview. Most interviews (by phone or in person) usually take 2+ hours depending on your
years of experience and salary.
As the interview is taking place, an evaluation is also occurring. The evaluation
is two-fold; first to ascertain whether you meet the specifications of the specific client and the other if you meet other
criteria, to include our high standards of representing only the best and most experienced executives in our industry.
Then references are checked. This is a mandatory part of our process. References
are only viable if you list people you reported to. We do not consider peers, clients, friends, relatives, clergy, or
government sources, ONLY people you reported to. If they are retired or have left the state or the industry, etc.,
it is your responsibility to locate them and provide us with a means to contact them. FAILURE TO DO THIS CAN JEOPARDIZE YOUR
If we cannot get references because you have only been employed with one employer,
we will notify our company client, and they will decide if they wish to meet with you.
The Number One question we are almost always asked is "How long will it take?" The Answer is, we do not
know. Sometimes it happens fast, sometimes it never happens.
The Number Two question is "How can I update my Résumé". The answer is you cannot. We are NOT an open
database, no one has access but our staff. Therefore if your résumé has changed, you need to redo the
Application Process. We are currently working on an Update Process to make it easier for you.

We are not only a 100% Retained Search Firm,
but also our Client Companies award our Job Orders on an Exclusive Basis.
Since our inception in 1972,
we have never
had a breach in security or confidentiality.